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Index of /debian/pool/main/libf/

Index of /debian/pool/main/libf/

libf2c2/                                           28-Jul-2023 17:51       -
libfabric/                                         04-Aug-2023 10:53       -
libfailures-perl/                                  13-Dec-2022 03:17       -
libfakekey/                                        04-Aug-2023 04:56       -
libfann/                                           01-Aug-2023 18:56       -
libfastahack/                                      29-Jul-2023 04:14       -
libfastjson/                                       29-Jul-2023 04:14       -
libfastutil-java/                                  16-Jun-2023 06:05       -
libfax-hylafax-client-perl/                        28-Apr-2023 03:16       -
libfcgi/                                           28-Jul-2023 11:42       -
libfcgi-async-perl/                                09-Jan-2021 17:35       -
libfcgi-client-perl/                               06-Aug-2018 03:22       -
libfcgi-engine-perl/                               11-Dec-2022 02:50       -
libfcgi-ev-perl/                                   06-Dec-2022 18:50       -
libfcgi-perl/                                      28-Jul-2023 16:51       -
libfcgi-procmanager-maxrequests-perl/              09-Jan-2021 17:35       -
libfcgi-procmanager-perl/                          28-Apr-2023 03:16       -
libfduserdata/                                     01-Aug-2023 18:56       -
libfeature-compat-class-perl/                      19-Jan-2023 21:23       -
libfeature-compat-try-perl/                        03-Mar-2022 03:15       -
libfec/                                            29-Jul-2023 06:07       -
libfeed-find-perl/                                 28-Apr-2023 03:15       -
libfennec-lite-perl/                               29-Mar-2023 03:20       -
libfennec-perl/                                    29-Apr-2023 21:23       -
libffado/                                          16-Aug-2023 11:21       -
libffi/                                            31-Jul-2023 09:47       -
libffi-c-perl/                                     10-Feb-2023 03:30       -
libffi-checklib-perl/                              30-Apr-2023 15:12       -
libffi-platypus-perl/                              29-Jul-2023 03:39       -
libffi-platypus-type-enum-perl/                    09-Feb-2023 03:20       -
libfido2/                                          01-Aug-2023 09:35       -
libfile-basedir-perl/                              29-Apr-2023 21:24       -
libfile-bom-perl/                                  29-Apr-2023 21:24       -
libfile-cache-perl/                                28-Apr-2023 15:17       -
libfile-changenotify-perl/                         30-Apr-2023 03:16       -
libfile-chdir-perl/                                27-Dec-2020 16:49       -
libfile-checktree-perl/                            19-Oct-2022 03:25       -
libfile-chmod-perl/                                29-Mar-2023 09:20       -
libfile-configdir-perl/                            29-Apr-2023 15:19       -
libfile-copy-link-perl/                            29-Mar-2023 15:21       -
libfile-copy-recursive-perl/                       27-Apr-2023 21:19       -
libfile-copy-recursive-reduced-perl/               20-Nov-2022 16:20       -
libfile-counterfile-perl/                          19-Oct-2022 03:25       -
libfile-countlines-perl/                           31-Mar-2023 09:25       -
libfile-data-perl/                                 28-Apr-2023 03:16       -
libfile-desktopentry-perl/                         29-Mar-2023 09:20       -
libfile-dircompare-perl/                           28-Apr-2023 03:16       -
libfile-dirlist-perl/                              13-Oct-2022 16:36       -
libfile-dropbox-perl/                              13-Jun-2022 23:20       -
libfile-extattr-perl/                              28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfile-fcntllock-perl/                            28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfile-find-object-perl/                          31-Mar-2023 09:26       -
libfile-find-object-rule-perl/                     29-Apr-2023 21:24       -
libfile-find-rule-filesys-virtual-perl/            13-Dec-2022 03:17       -
libfile-find-rule-perl/                            29-Mar-2023 03:19       -
libfile-find-rule-perl-perl/                       29-Apr-2023 21:22       -
libfile-find-rule-vcs-perl/                        28-Apr-2023 03:15       -
libfile-find-wanted-perl/                          06-Jan-2021 00:48       -
libfile-finder-perl/                               27-Apr-2023 21:20       -
libfile-flat-perl/                                 28-Apr-2023 09:14       -
libfile-flock-perl/                                01-Jul-2022 00:50       -
libfile-flock-retry-perl/                          29-Apr-2023 21:24       -
libfile-fnmatch-perl/                              28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfile-fu-perl/                                   29-Mar-2023 09:20       -
libfile-grep-perl/                                 28-Jan-2023 03:19       -
libfile-homedir-perl/                              08-May-2023 09:13       -
libfile-inplace-perl/                              28-Apr-2023 03:15       -
libfile-kdbx-perl/                                 24-Nov-2022 09:15       -
libfile-keepass-perl/                              02-Jan-2021 02:50       -
libfile-lchown-perl/                               28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfile-libmagic-perl/                             28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfile-listing-perl/                              21-Apr-2022 21:49       -
libfile-localizenewlines-perl/                     01-Jul-2023 16:05       -
libfile-map-perl/                                  28-Jul-2023 17:52       -
libfile-mimeinfo-perl/                             30-Apr-2023 09:14       -
libfile-mmagic-xs-perl/                            28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfile-modified-perl/                             29-Mar-2023 09:22       -
libfile-monitor-lite-perl/                         13-Jun-2022 23:22       -
libfile-monitor-perl/                              27-Oct-2022 03:26       -
libfile-ncopy-perl/                                28-Apr-2023 03:15       -
libfile-next-perl/                                 30-Apr-2023 15:13       -
libfile-nfslock-perl/                              30-Apr-2023 03:14       -
libfile-path-expand-perl/                          31-Mar-2023 09:26       -
libfile-path-tiny-perl/                            28-Apr-2023 15:17       -
libfile-pid-perl/                                  31-Mar-2023 09:25       -
libfile-policy-perl/                               31-Mar-2023 09:25       -
libfile-pushd-perl/                                30-Apr-2023 03:14       -
libfile-queue-perl/                                27-Apr-2023 21:20       -
libfile-read-perl/                                 30-Mar-2023 03:20       -
libfile-readbackwards-perl/                        08-May-2023 09:13       -
libfile-remove-perl/                               30-Apr-2023 03:16       -
libfile-rsync-perl/                                29-Mar-2023 03:20       -
libfile-save-home-perl/                            28-Apr-2023 03:16       -
libfile-searchpath-perl/                           29-Mar-2023 03:19       -
libfile-share-perl/                                13-Dec-2022 03:17       -
libfile-sharedir-install-perl/                     30-Apr-2023 15:13       -
libfile-sharedir-par-perl/                         28-Apr-2023 03:15       -
libfile-sharedir-perl/                             28-Apr-2023 09:13       -
libfile-sharedir-projectdistdir-perl/              28-Apr-2023 09:15       -
libfile-slurp-perl/                                30-Apr-2023 15:13       -
libfile-slurp-tiny-perl/                           28-Apr-2023 09:13       -
libfile-slurp-unicode-perl/                        29-Mar-2023 03:19       -
libfile-slurper-perl/                              29-Apr-2023 21:24       -
libfile-sort-perl/                                 06-Dec-2022 19:22       -
libfile-spec-native-perl/                          28-Apr-2023 03:15       -
libfile-sync-perl/                                 28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfile-tail-perl/                                 19-Aug-2023 11:20       -
libfile-tee-perl/                                  29-Mar-2023 03:20       -
libfile-touch-perl/                                29-Mar-2023 09:22       -
libfile-treecreate-perl/                           25-Nov-2022 03:22       -
libfile-type-perl/                                 29-Mar-2023 09:20       -
libfile-type-webimages-perl/                       29-Mar-2023 03:19       -
libfile-userconfig-perl/                           28-Apr-2023 03:15       -
libfile-util-perl/                                 29-Mar-2023 09:20       -
libfile-which-perl/                                30-Apr-2023 09:15       -
libfile-wildcard-perl/                             28-Apr-2023 03:16       -
libfile-write-rotate-perl/                         30-Mar-2023 09:20       -
libfile-xdg-perl/                                  01-Jun-2022 15:30       -
libfile-zglob-perl/                                29-Dec-2020 04:18       -
libfilehandle-fmode-perl/                          28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfilehandle-unget-perl/                          06-Aug-2023 06:41       -
libfilesys-df-perl/                                28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfilesys-diskspace-perl/                         29-Mar-2023 03:20       -
libfilesys-notify-simple-perl/                     28-Apr-2023 03:16       -
libfilesys-smbclient-perl/                         28-Apr-2023 03:17       -
libfilesys-statvfs-perl/                           28-Jul-2023 17:52       -
libfilesys-virtual-perl/                           19-Oct-2022 03:25       -
libfilesys-virtual-plain-perl/                     25-Nov-2022 03:22       -
libfilezilla/                                      05-Aug-2023 03:19       -
libfilter-eof-perl/                                29-Mar-2023 03:18       -
libfilter-perl/                                    28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfilter-signatures-perl/                         26-Oct-2020 21:15       -
libfilter-template-perl/                           27-Oct-2022 03:27       -
libfinance-bank-ie-permanenttsb-perl/              28-Apr-2023 03:15       -
libfinance-qif-perl/                               07-Jan-2021 17:56       -
libfinance-quote-perl/                             25-May-2023 03:13       -
libfinance-quotehist-perl/                         30-Apr-2023 09:13       -
libfinance-streamer-perl/                          27-Oct-2022 03:27       -
libfind-lib-perl/                                  07-Jan-2021 15:25       -
libfindbin-libs-perl/                              29-Apr-2023 21:22       -
libfirefox-marionette-perl/                        27-Jul-2023 00:19       -
libfishsound/                                      04-Aug-2023 11:52       -
libfits-java/                                      30-Apr-2023 21:18       -
libfiu/                                            23-Aug-2023 08:06       -
libfixbuf/                                         01-Aug-2023 06:56       -
libfixmath/                                        01-Aug-2023 18:56       -
libfixposix/                                       29-Jul-2023 04:14       -
libfizmo/                                          29-Jul-2023 04:14       -
libflame/                                          03-Aug-2023 17:34       -
libflathashmap/                                    30-Oct-2020 21:28       -
libflexdock-java/                                  10-Jan-2022 07:03       -
libfli/                                            17-Aug-2023 16:22       -
libflickr-api-perl/                                28-Apr-2023 09:15       -
libflickr-upload-perl/                             30-Mar-2023 03:20       -
libflorist/                                        30-Jul-2023 08:32       -
libfm/                                             01-May-2023 21:18       -
libfm-qt/                                          06-Aug-2023 15:26       -
libfolia/                                          30-Jul-2023 10:23       -
libfont-afm-perl/                                  29-Mar-2023 03:18       -
libfont-freetype-perl/                             31-Jul-2023 08:21       -
libfont-ttf-perl/                                  29-Mar-2023 09:20       -
libfontenc/                                        02-Aug-2023 03:15       -
libfonts-java/                                     30-Aug-2021 13:48       -
libforest-perl/                                    14-Jun-2022 23:10       -
libforks-perl/                                     29-Jul-2023 08:08       -
libformat-human-bytes-perl/                        14-Jun-2022 23:10       -
libforms/                                          05-Aug-2023 12:37       -
libformula/                                        10-Jan-2022 06:03       -
libformvalidator-simple-perl/                      29-Mar-2023 03:19       -
libfortran-format-perl/                            21-Apr-2022 22:19       -
libfortune-perl/                                   31-Mar-2023 09:25       -
libfplus/                                          01-Aug-2023 18:56       -
libfprint/                                         24-Aug-2023 08:52       -
libfreeaptx/                                       28-Jul-2023 15:42       -
libfreecontact-perl/                               10-Aug-2023 22:30       -
libfreefare/                                       31-Jul-2023 03:40       -
libfreehand/                                       07-Aug-2023 23:35       -
libfreemarker-java/                                30-Apr-2023 03:16       -
libfreenect/                                       06-Aug-2023 05:31       -
libfreesrp/                                        07-Aug-2023 08:25       -
libfreezethaw-perl/                                27-Apr-2023 21:21       -
libfrontier-rpc-perl/                              28-Apr-2023 03:15       -
libfs/                                             29-Jul-2023 08:08       -
libfsapfs/                                         29-Jan-2023 21:25       -
libfsext/                                          30-Jan-2023 03:23       -
libfshfs/                                          30-Jul-2023 08:32       -
libfsntfs/                                         30-Jul-2023 08:32       -
libfsxfs/                                          30-Jan-2023 03:23       -
libftdi/                                           04-Aug-2023 04:56       -
libftdi1/                                          07-Aug-2023 08:26       -
libfunction-fallback-coreorpp-perl/                19-Nov-2022 20:37       -
libfunction-parameters-perl/                       29-Jul-2023 22:51       -
libfurl-perl/                                      01-May-2023 09:12       -
libfuse-perl/                                      29-Jul-2023 04:14       -
libfuture-asyncawait-perl/                         23-Aug-2023 03:14       -
libfuture-io-perl/                                 05-Jul-2023 21:41       -
libfuture-perl/                                    11-Jun-2023 19:44       -
libfvde/                                           30-Jul-2023 08:32       -
libfwnt/                                           30-Jul-2023 08:32       -
libfwsi/                                           30-Jul-2023 08:32       -
libfyaml/                                          29-Jul-2023 22:06       -